5.1 Bylaws for the Board of Trustees
5.1.1 Purpose of the Board
To oversee library operations, ensure adequate library funding, set policies for the Library, oversee personnel, and encourage use and growth of the Library.
5.1.2 Membership on the Board
The Board of Trustees will consist of five (5) members: two (2) 3-year terms and three (3) 1-year terms to be elected at Town Meeting each year. If a vacancy occurs, the Trustees will select a person to fill the opening (pending his/her interest), and the Chairperson will submit this name to the Selectboard for appointment. This replacement trustee shall serve the remainder of the year. At the next Town Meeting, a new trustee will be elected to complete the term. New trustees will receive a welcome packet that includes the GPL Policies, Bylaws, Five-Year Plan, Freedom to Read Statement, Library Bill of Rights, Policy on Confidentiality of Library Records, ALA Code of Ethics, Current trustee list, minutes from the previous trustee meeting and agenda for the upcoming trustee meeting.
5.1.3 Officers
The officers of the Board shall be a chairperson, a vice-chairperson, a secretary and a treasurer. They shall be elected at the first board meeting following Town Meeting each year. Officer terms are for one (1) year.
5.1.4 Duties of Officers Chairperson Vice-Chairperson Secretary Treasurer
5.1.5 Meetings Frequency
Regular meetings will be held at least six (6) times a year on the first[Unknown A15] Monday of the Month. Special meetings may be held at other times. Quorum
A majority of the members will constitute a quorum. At least three (3) trustees must be present to hold a regular meeting. Order of Business
5.1.6 General Duties and Responsibilities Trustees Librarian
5.1.7 Budgetary and Financial Procedures
The Board is responsible for the budget, which shall be prepared at the October meeting and presented to the Selectboard by December 15. The fiscal year is January 1 to December 31. Budget money is not available until after Town Meeting in March.
5.1.8 Amending Bylaws
These bylaws may be amended at any time during the year. Amendment will require a quorum vote to be passed. Any bylaw change must be submitted at one (1) meeting and acted on at the next meeting.
5.1.1 Purpose of the Board
To oversee library operations, ensure adequate library funding, set policies for the Library, oversee personnel, and encourage use and growth of the Library.
5.1.2 Membership on the Board
The Board of Trustees will consist of five (5) members: two (2) 3-year terms and three (3) 1-year terms to be elected at Town Meeting each year. If a vacancy occurs, the Trustees will select a person to fill the opening (pending his/her interest), and the Chairperson will submit this name to the Selectboard for appointment. This replacement trustee shall serve the remainder of the year. At the next Town Meeting, a new trustee will be elected to complete the term. New trustees will receive a welcome packet that includes the GPL Policies, Bylaws, Five-Year Plan, Freedom to Read Statement, Library Bill of Rights, Policy on Confidentiality of Library Records, ALA Code of Ethics, Current trustee list, minutes from the previous trustee meeting and agenda for the upcoming trustee meeting.
5.1.3 Officers
The officers of the Board shall be a chairperson, a vice-chairperson, a secretary and a treasurer. They shall be elected at the first board meeting following Town Meeting each year. Officer terms are for one (1) year.
5.1.4 Duties of Officers Chairperson
- Conduct board meetings
- Coordinate board activities
- Act as liaison between Board and Town officials Vice-Chairperson
- Carry out the duties of the Chairperson in his/her absence
- Assume such duties as assigned by the Chairperson
- Act as liaison between Board and Town officials in the absence of the Chairperson Secretary
- See that the regular meetings are warned in a local newspaper and members of the Board are notified of all meetings
- Record minutes of all meetings
- Conduct correspondence of the Board
- Serve as publicity reporter unless another is appointed
- Prepare report of library accomplishments and goals for annual town report Treasurer
- Keep full and accurate accounts of income and expenditures, which shall be audited once a year by town auditors
- Make recommendations to the Board for investing funds
- Help prepare the annual budget providing necessary figures to use for this purpose
- Prepare financial report for the annual town report
5.1.5 Meetings Frequency
Regular meetings will be held at least six (6) times a year on the first[Unknown A15] Monday of the Month. Special meetings may be held at other times. Quorum
A majority of the members will constitute a quorum. At least three (3) trustees must be present to hold a regular meeting. Order of Business
- Reports of Officers
- Librarian's Report
- Old Business
- New Business
5.1.6 General Duties and Responsibilities Trustees
- Personnel Administration
- Adopt written policies to govern operation of the Library
- Prepare the annual budget Librarian
- Facilitate operation of the budget
- Implement policies of the Board
- Oversee library personnel and volunteers
- Make budget recommendations
5.1.7 Budgetary and Financial Procedures
The Board is responsible for the budget, which shall be prepared at the October meeting and presented to the Selectboard by December 15. The fiscal year is January 1 to December 31. Budget money is not available until after Town Meeting in March.
5.1.8 Amending Bylaws
These bylaws may be amended at any time during the year. Amendment will require a quorum vote to be passed. Any bylaw change must be submitted at one (1) meeting and acted on at the next meeting.